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Beginning the grieving process...


"Connecting to Honour" - supporting families who have lived a loss


In this unprecedented time of the Covid-19 pandemic, so many families have had to experience loss. They have not had the chance to celebrate their loved one’s lives.  They are still awaiting an occasion to undertake the difficult journey of healing that only just starts when we have a chance to say goodbye.  

According to the Centre for Loss, there are concrete reasons and mourning needs that support the need to hold an event as quickly as possible following the loss of a loved one. 

1:  Acknowledge the reality of the death

2:  Move toward the pain of the loss - and therefore the healing

3: Remember the person who died

4: Develop a new self-identity

5: Search for meaning - thinking about our own lives and mortality

6: Share ongoing support from others ​(family and friends)

The importance of mourning versus grieving: (Source:


Mourning goes along with grief. While grief is a personal experience and process, mourning is how grief and loss are shown in public. It normally involves religious beliefs or rituals and is affected by our ethnic background and cultural customs. The rituals of mourning − seeing friends and family and preparing for the funeral and burial or final physical separation − gives some structure to the grieving process. 

How we make a difference...


We offer active involvement on behalf of those at a distance. Your guests will not merely be observers and can participate by telling stories, sharing meaningful texts, etc. wherever they are.

Our service assists you immediately.  We can also be complementary to traditional rituals that you wish to hold. 

We offer our service in both English and French.

Click here for some articles of interest.  

Your collaborator for the journey

Diane's photo for Connecting to Honour.j
linkedin icon click here to get online memorial service - Connecting to Honour

Diane Ellison lived the loss of a dear relative to Covid-19. The subsequent need to initiate a meaningful funeral generated several challenges. It was essential that members of her family be active contributors. Briefly, she had to move heaven and earth at the time to develop this format.

“I am hoping this will offer some consolation to others. I do not want others to have to experience a similar thing at such a traumatic time. My career has taken me from the corporate world, into the public and non-profit sectors, and brought me here - to support you.

“My hope is to draw on my experience and contribute in some modest way, to help you begin the healing process as you journey through one of the most challenging experiences of life.”

In the words of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, a pioneer in grief studies, “The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.”
―Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler



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